Other countries, other customs

With the support of the Karl Bröcker Foundation, school classes at the Lippe Vocational College in Lippstadt learn respectful and appropriate manners. A qualified teacher from the vocational college initiated the project and an etiquette trainer introduces the young people to the world of manners, etiquette and rules of interpersonal relationships – which vary from country to country. The participants are young people between 16 and 18 from training preparation classes and international support classes.

Both privately and professionally, it is extremely important that young people not only speak German, but are also able to behave correctly in certain situations. And it is precisely these skills that they develop together in their course – practically in role plays.

With the support of the Karl Bröcker Foundation, school classes at the Lippe Vocational College in Lippstadt learn respectful and appropriate manners. A qualified teacher from the vocational college initiated the project and an etiquette trainer introduces the young people to the world of manners, etiquette and rules of interpersonal relationships – which vary from country to country. The participants are young people between 16 and 18 from training preparation classes and international support classes.

Both privately and professionally, it is extremely important that young people not only speak German, but are also able to behave correctly in certain situations. And it is precisely these skills that they develop together in their course – practically in role plays.

The teacher is convinced that you can only perform well at school if you are in a stable mental state and are well integrated and comfortable in the country in which you live. The young people learn how to move confidently in society and make a good impression in the professional world and in their private lives with the right manners. And they experience how they themselves can actively influence their impact – this gives them the security they so urgently need.
