The association Straßenkinder e. V. is actively involved in street social work for young people who struggle with various forms of social exclusion and live on the margins of society.
Homeless young people are at the mercy of violence.
In addition to precarious health care, the street often ensures that young people who end up on the street for various reasons quickly find themselves in seemingly hopeless multiple problem situations.
In addition to a safe place to sleep, they also lack a place where they can find protection, security and retreat and where they are given the feeling that they are wanted and accepted.
With the #dranbleiben project, the Straßenkinder e. V. association provides outreach street social work and, above all, more close-knit and relationship-oriented support to accompany young people on their way out of acute crisis situations and reduce relapses in the help process.
Minors need the opportunity to have contact persons who are available, especially when low self-esteem or stressful previous experiences make it difficult to make progress.
The association has rented premises for this purpose, in which the co-working offer is increasingly being established.
The offering starts with low-threshold services, such as a co-working space where young people can work together.
people can tackle their own issues independently, such as finding accommodation and training places, making appointments with public authorities, contact with their family of origin, etc.
Counseling or intensive individual support is offered here with social education specialists.
Later on, support services can be provided by local social workers.
Especially in situations involving long-term therapy, assisted living, etc., there are many hurdles for young people to overcome.
Without intensive support, they run the risk of failing to cope with the demands and changes and ending up back on the street.
The financial support enables more intensive advice and support for young people.
Photos: (c) Straßenkinder e. V., Berlin