What is a wind instrument course? A wind instrument course is a music-making course lasting two school years (years 5 and 6) in normal music lessons. Since the start of the 2022/23 school year, the Geseke secondary school has been offering wind instrument courses for both year groups, in which pupils can learn a new instrument. These lessons are an alternative to music lessons and take place as a course system during regular lessons. The project starts by allowing the young people to get to know and try out the instruments. The children can choose from various instruments such as the trumpet, flute, saxophone, tenor horn, trombone or clarinet. One month later, the child registers with the choice of instrument. Then the wind instrument course starts. The children start learning the instrument directly in the course.
Since October, 21 pupils have been learning to play their instrument instead of regular music lessons.
The two-hour instrumental training is divided into one hour of instrumental lessons, which are given by trained music specialists from the music school, and a joint orchestra lesson in the second hour, which is given by the secondary school teacher.
Here, all pupils play together and rehearse their first songs.
The aim is for the pupils to be able to take part in the school’s own orchestra or the school band and the associated performances at various events.
At first glance, the focus is on musical training and learning an instrument.
However, the social experiences gained during the two years are at least as important and also significant for life.
Learning together in a group and supporting each other in the orchestra are the behaviors that should be practiced.
Motivation and success as a group experience are formative experiences for the children, which not only help them in their school career, but also in their future life.
The children improve their ability to concentrate.
This has a positive effect on learning in other subjects.
The music school provides instruments on loan for the duration of the course.
The loan of the instrument is included in the monthly fee.
The Karl Bröcker Foundation provides financial support for this group to enable children whose parents or guardians are unable to make the financial contribution to take part in lessons.
This gives all children the chance to learn an instrument.
Photos: (c) Hannah Stieren – Secondary School Geseke